Here is a list of quick, memorizable descriptions of various machine learning algorithms. I put this list together for interview prep for various data science and MLE interviews. Note that there are some sections with TODO: notes that I left for myself. That's because these notes are unfinished, and I hope to come back and update this post with more details.
The following notation will be more or less consistent for all of these models. The observed data for the model is always organized into an dimensional matrix , where is the number of training samples, and is the number of features (so that features are columns). We write to denote the th column (th feature) of and to denote the th row. The values to be predicted, whether class labels or numerical values, are collected into a column vector . For any model, the predictions of that model are organized into a column vector denoted . Similarly, a hat is generally placed over any function to denote an estimator for that function, whose definition depends on the context. Any deviation from this notation will be explained.
Naive Bayes
This is one of the simplest Bayesian probabilistic classifiers. With notation as outlined above, we can estimate the distributions of the predictors across these labels to obtain density kernels
Then the formula for predicting via Naive Bayes is a simple application of Bayes rule:
The numerator of the right hand side of this equation is obtained via the kernel density estimations on the columns of , as well as the distribution of values of . The denominator is assumed to be uniformly distributed, and therefore is ignored in the argmax calculation.
- This model relies on a "strong" independence assumption between the predictors.
- It is an example of a more general family of models known as Bayesian networks. It may be worth mentioning this, but caveat that I don't know anything about them.
Linear Regression
TODO: There is a lot missing from this model. It is worth doing a deep dive on regression for a few days and writing up a full post.
These are models of the form
where is basic matrix multiplication, and is normally distributed. These are the most basic case of Generalized Linear Models, which I hope to describe later.
Basic Assumptions
- Linearity - The mean of the response variables is a linear combination of the regressors and the beta coefficients.
- Homoscedasticity (constant variance) - The values of the response variable have the same variance, no matter the value of . In sample data, this means the variance of the errors is not dependent on .
- Independence of errors - the errors look like normally distributed white noise.
- has full rank - no multiple colinearity. This is specifically an assumption for OLS. Other GLMs do not suffer from this assumption. However, uncorrelated features do improve significance and uniqueness of predictions in practice.
- Weak exogeneity - That the values of are not treated like random variables. I.e., they exist "outside of the model," and as such, can be treated as constants with no error.
Ordinary Least Squares
The basic form of linear regression is OLS. This has the advantage of a closed form solution, assuming full rank in as discussed above. The closed form solution is
This identity minimizes the "residual sum of squares," which is a statistician's way of saying it minimizes the expression
Taking the gradient of this expression (as a function of ), we obtain
which is zero when is equal to the OLS estimator . Since the RSS is quadratic in and has a positive-definite Hessian (which is ), it follows that is the unique global minimum of RSS.
TODO: Review why positive definite Hessian implies convexity here. It makes intuitive sense, but I want to derive it.
Evaluating the Model
Once we have an estimate for the coefficient vector, how do we evaluate the estimate?
TODO: Derive variance of beta coefficients here.
Logistic Regression
TODO: Explain in terms of GLMs as well as in terms of perceptrons.
Decision Tree Classifier
Decision trees form a tree of subsets of the dataset by recursively splitting nodes according to the value of one variable. The process stops whenever a leaf node contains only members of one class, or when splitting does not improve the objective metric by more than a specified threshold.
CART using Gini Impurity
This is the version of decision tree most commonly implemented, and can be used for regression as well (although this will only decribe the classifier version).
Gini Impurity
From wikipedia: "Gini impurity is a measure of how often a randomly chosen element from the set would be incorrectly labeled if it was randomly labeled according to the distribution of labels in the subset."
View as a set of elements (the rows) which belong to classes (the values of ), and let be the proportion of elements of which belong to the th class. The probability that an element of the th class is incorrectly labeled is
Thus, Gini impurity is calculated by:
Note this is a function of , the distribution of classes of elements of .
Typical Hyperparameters
- Max depth
- Minimum number of samples per leaf node.
- Max number of leaf nodes
- Splitting criterion (e.g., GIni Impurity versus Information Gain)
- Many others (see scikit-learn documentation for examples.)
The Algorithm
The algorithm is recursive. Let's say we have a subset of the training set, call it . If we split the dataset by the values of the th feature (th column), let's say by the inequality , we can then compare the Gini impurity of to the sum of the Gini impurities of the two subsets obtained by splitting this way and record the difference. Since there are only finitely many features and finitely many distinct splits for each feature, we choose the split that results in maximum decrease in Gini impurity. This algorithm continues until all leaf nodes contain only elements of the same class, or until one of several possible stopping conditions are met. These stopping conditions include:
- Leaf nodes are too small;
- There is not a split which results in a large enough drop in Gini impurity;
- The tree is too deep;
- possibly others.
The final prediction for a new point is defined by evaluating the splits successively to the point until a leaf node is reached. The predicted class for the point is the most common class in the leaf node.
Random Forest
A random forest is a set of decision trees that are trained on random subsets of the features and using random bootstrapped subsets of the training data. The training for each tree is performed independently. To predict using random forest, each tree forms its prediction, and the most common prediction among the trees is the overall prediction.
This is an example of "ensemble modeling," where several simpler models are aggregated in order to reduce variance by averaging. Since fully grown decision trees are typically low bias and high variance models, they work well with ensembling. Contrast with gradient boosted decision trees, which uses weak predictions via shallow trees.
Random Subspaces
At each split, each tree is only allowed to consider features from a randomly chosen subset of the features.
Each tree is trained on a bootstrapped subset of the dataset (i.e., one which is sampled with replacement). This way each tree sees a different training set, however all trees observe the same number of trainin samples.
- Number of Trees
- Number of training samples per tree.
- Nummber of features considered per split.
- All hyperparameters inherited from decision tree model.
Gradient Boosted Decision Trees
Gradient boosting is a general approach to machine learning, where a family of "weak learners" (simple models with high bias/low variance, e.g., shallow decision trees) are trained recursively on the error in prediction of the previous iteration of the overall model.
This comes in many forms, but the most common by far is the gradient boosting of decision trees using crossentropy (for classification) or mean squared error (for regression).
Additive Modeling
As outlined above, gradient boosting works by training a sequence of decision trees and expressing the final prediction as a sum
where is a discount factor. The first tree is trained to predict the true value (whether this is a categorical or continuous random variable is immaterial in this discussion). Subsequently, the th tree is trained to predict the error . If this is a classification tree, then is crossentropy error and its value is either 0 or 1. If this is a regression tree, then is root mean squared error and its value is the target of the regression tree.
K Nearest Neighbors
Extremely simple algorithm. Assume the rows of exist in a metric space with metric (usually euclidean space, but we could use a cosine-like metric for high dimensional datasets). For any point in the matrix, the predicted label for , , is computed by considering the rows of which are closest to with respect to the metric , and assigning to be the most common label among them. Ties are broken either randomly or defaulting to the class with greatest prior probability, or some other systematic process.